The Association Carta di Roma has been founded in December 2011 with the goal of implementing the Journalist’s Code of Conduct on immigration, signed by the National Council of Journalists (CNOG) and the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI) in June 2008. Carta di Roma seeks to be a stable reference point for those who work on daily basis with media and minorities issues: journalists, media operators, as well as various institutions, associations and activists involved in promoting and supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, minorities and migrants in the field of media reporting
As defined in the statute, the Association seeks to promote:
– training activities for media operators
– research and monitoring activities
– organisation of discussions and seminars dealing with the portrayal of asylum seekers, refugees, victims of human trafficking and migrants in media;
– special awards aimed at encouraging the correct and responsible reporting about main topics of the Carta di Roma
– initiatives and public events aimed to encourage the correct and responsible reporting about immigration, minorities or the right to seek asylum
– collaboration between media operators, university institutes, civil society organizations and editors, with the goal of promoting respect and guarantee of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants or minorities in general.
The Association Carta di Roma was founded by: the National Council Of Journalists (CNOG) and the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI).
Permanent invitees: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), National Office against Racial Discrimination Unar), Internatinal Organization for Migrantions (IOM).
From July 2012 up to now the project has allowed to create a unique experience at Eu level, so that the EC Commission DG Home Affairs has mentioned Carta di Roma as a best practice at Eu level. (Eu round table Migrants in the Media 14th of Oct 2013).
Carta di Roma Association has became a space of constant exchange and dialogue among journalists organisations, civil society, the National Equality Body and UNHCR, so as for a network of University faculties studying media analysis on this topic, which composed the National Carta di Roma Observatory.
Since July 2012 the Association realised 12 meetings/short training sessions directly in the editorial staff of the mainstream news and the editor in chief (i.e. La Repubblica, Corsera, ANSA, ADN Kronos, TG2 and La7), training sessions in 8 schools of journalism and obtained the Carta di Roma training compulsory for all the Italian Schools of Journalism. We organize and take part in professional trainings for journalists on a regular basis.
Dozens of letters and press releases has been sent to news agencies and mainstream news journalists and directors, as well as several official procedures has been sent to the regional Ordini for relevant violations of the Code.
The terminology used to cover migration news has significantly changed, reducing largely the use of “clandestino/i” to refer to migrants and asylum seekers arriving illegally in Italy or to those without a regular resident permit. Also the use of nationality in the main character in current affairs news decreased largely. The peer education methodology used in the editorial staff’s short training sessions as well as the mentoring approach seem to be successful in dialoguing with journalists, a professional category useful reluctant to training.
The result is a network of journalists “Carta di Roma advocates” within the editorial staff to refer to when violations occur and to stimulate to be active towards colleagues.
UNHCR Greece and Spain have already translated and adapted the Code and they are working on its implementation; UNHCR Bulgaria is doing the same.
Code and Glossary (English)
Guidelines (English)
The Module Lecture Guide (English)
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