The Universities of Salamanca, Milano and Thessaloniki are conducting a workshop on Data Journalism aimed at information and communication professionals. This workshop is part of the PHARM (Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants) project, funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship program and with Grant Agreement 875217.
The aim of this workshop is to train journalists in how to tell stories to confront hate speech about migrants and refugees by exploiting the potential of data. The workshop will allow to discover the capacity of data and visualizations as tools to communicate more and better, improving the understanding of the audience and achieving better stories.
The workshop will be held virtually on October 1, and will last 2 hours (from 4pm to 6pm). The session will be held in English by Juan Pablo Marín, from, a reference in offering technical solutions for data visualization.
The attendance to the workshop will be free for journalists. The attendees commit to produce a news item that includes data visualization as part of the practical tasks of the workshop.
To attend this workshop, it is only necessary to fill in the following form.
For any questions, contact
Registration form link:
Pylos e il silenzio dell’informazione
A Lampedusa c’è la tomba di una giovane donna di nome Ester. Aveva 18 anni e veniva dalla Nigeria. Era incinta ed è morta di stenti su un barcone carico di migranti rimasto in balia delle onde per giorni
Leggi tutti gli articoli su immigrazione, asilo e minoranze pubblicati dalla stampa italiana.
Quiz: quanto ne sai di persone rifugiate?
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