Dear Africa Report Reader, We hope – wherever this reaches you – that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. In this unprecedented time of a global public health emergency, we are reorganising our editorial coverage and network of correspondents to ensure that you will find accurate and authoritative news and analysis of the coronavirus pandemic on our daily digital service. We will report on how it affects Africa directly on the medical front but also its indirect consequences as economies around the world slow down and markets are thrown into turmoil. Our coverage of the pandemic will run alongside our award-winning coverage of business, political and security. And it will also be available free to our growing community of readers, now numbering over a million a month.In our digital edition you will find:
Above all, we want our coverage to be compelling reading as well as a functional guide to fast-paced developments. As this crisis unfolds, we want to listen to you the readers to send us your reports of what is happening on the ground, your practical concerns and your critical questions. Ask us questions, send us information — we want to hear from you on Facebook and on Twitter and on LinkedIn. Most importantly, we want to hear how people are working together to protect communities and to strengthen public health systems. We can use the new technological capacity of the media to inspire solidarity and save lives. We are committed to working with you at this time. To get in touch, please write to us at: editorial@theafricareport.comPatrick Smith Editor-in-Chief of The Africa Report
Pylos e il silenzio dell’informazione
A Lampedusa c’è la tomba di una giovane donna di nome Ester. Aveva 18 anni e veniva dalla Nigeria. Era incinta ed è morta di stenti su un barcone carico di migranti rimasto in balia delle onde per giorni
Leggi tutti gli articoli su immigrazione, asilo e minoranze pubblicati dalla stampa italiana.
Quiz: quanto ne sai di persone rifugiate?
Trump e G7 catalizzano l’attenzione dell’informazione mainstream
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